Al Fedoravicius, PhD retired in 2019. He was a founding member of BTA. He was dedicated, and well-respected provider, teacher and mentor who touched the lives of many psychologists and patients across the globe. In 2020, Dr. Fedoravicius passed away. His presence and contributions to the group, the field and our community will be remembered and missed. Here is Dr. Fedoravicius’s Vita.

Reid Hester, PhD retired from BTA in 2015. He was a long-time partner of BTA and head of the research division. He retired to San Luis Obispo, CA to continue his work in the development of digital interventions for substance use.

Susan Kaspi, PhD retired in May of 2022. She was the managing partner of BTA for most of her time in full-time clinical practice. Her clinical work focused on the cognitive-behavioral treatment of adults and adolescents with anxiety disorders. Here is Dr. Kaspi’s Vita. She is happily resettled in Chicago with her husband and extended family.